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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Should You Buy Apple Stock?

Back in April of this year (2014) I was preaching in my Blog for everyone to buy Apple (AAPL) stock.  A nice 7:1 split was on the horizon and I told those that read my Blog to BUY BUY BUY!!!  Those of you that did have seen an extremely nice gain of over 40% for the year.  Apple is probably the most powerful company in the world and literally has the cash to buy anything it wants.  If Apple decides it wants to gobble up a company or acquisition it, it can and will.  No other company is safe.  If they want you they will take you if you are not willing to sell.

This morning I read and listened to an article and video about Apple on the Yahoo Finance page.  I suggest you do the same.

So now you may ask if I agree with this information.  Kind of, is my answer.  Apple is currently trading at $113.91.  In the article Jeff Macke suggest not to buy Apple unless it were to fall to $100.00 per share or less.  I will agree with that for the investor who is going to buy just few shares.  But if you are an investor that can afford a lot of shares then I say go for it.  But for the majority of my readers have missed the good ship lollipop.  Now you will have to wait on your next good opportunity with Apple or look at other stocks and companies.  In my last Blog posting I suggested several stocks and mutual funds to look at for your portfolio.  Apple was one of those.  But after more research and thinking about it I have to pull back on my prior Apple advise a little for now until there is a correction for them or another split for the average investor.  But when you hear Apple is going to split again, I am going to suggest to buy all the shares you can reasonably afford unless some drastically tragic things go wrong with the company.  

Gus S.

Disclaimer: Make sure to review any information found on this blog site with your personal financial advisor before making any decisions. I am providing general information and not financial advise. I am not a licensed stockbroker or financial advisor.

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